Submit Your Thrive Automator App

Created an app for Thrive Automator?
Let's get it listed on this website so everyone knows it's available!

We ❤️ Your App

 How to Submit your app 

Step by Step


Create and test your Thrive Automator App following the developer instructions available here.


Publish your App. The App can be a separate WP plugin or the integration code can be part of your existing plugin. The Thrive Automator App can be free (part of your existing tool) or you can charge $ for the App separately. Your choice!


Fill out the form below to get your app listed on the App library site (this site) and explore co-marketing opportunities!


Submit Your App Now!
Make sure to have a look at an example of an App page to see where the different information is used.
If you're getting stuck at any point, do not hesitate to reach out to support[at]
Your Name
Your best Email to contact you about this App
Name of your Tool
Required Tool URL
Tool Summary
Tool Category (select one or more categories)
Upload a logo banner image (500x500px with white background) and an icon image (150x150px with white background)
Drag and drop files here
Author of the Thrive Automator App
URL for the Author of the Thrive Automator App
Pricing of the Thrive Automator App (not your tool)
Where can people find your Thrive Automator App?
List the available trigger(s) in the Thrive Automator App - write "none" if not applicable
0 of 1000
List the available action(s) in the Thrive Automator App - write "none" if not applicable
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Optional: Suggest "popular automations" you believe users will create using your app and others in Thrive Automator. 
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